Species Type: Freshwater Fish
Category: Characins
Care Level: Moderate. May tolerate only a narrow range of water parameters, have specific dietary requirements including frozen or even live foods, may have behaviors that severely limit potential tankmates or may require a specialized aquarium setup.
Origin: Widespread in South America: Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Peru. Occurs in slow-moving rivers and streams.
Compatibility/Temperament: Very peaceful and quiet, it should not be kept with very active fish as it will usually withdraw and not eat. This is really the only species among the headstanders that is suitable for the average aquarium; most other species such as those in the family Anostomidae grow too large and are less than peaceful, and many will eat plants.
An interesting species well suited to an established mature aquarium of soft, acidic water containing peaceful fish. It does not eat aquarium plants, but spends the entire day grazing the plant leaves and wood for algae and particles of food. This species constantly swims in a vertical head-down posture, made possible by the positioning of the swim bladder posteriorly.The fish are found in shoals and should be acquired in groups of five or more, though single specimens often settle in well. There must be heavy plant growth for security as well as grazing, and pieces of sunken wood. Floating plant cover is necessary to shade the aquarium; the fish is sensitive to bright light and may refuse to eat.
The dorsal fin of the male is slightly longer than the female's, and the female is thicker in the body. Spawning is possible but difficult.
This species was described and named by Muller & Troschel in 1844. Hoedemann (1969) reported that several variants of pattern occur depending upon the origin. Two different patterns are illustrated in the accompanying photos.